Michael Landweber lives and writes in Washington, DC. His short stories have appeared in literary magazines such as Gargoyle, Fourteen Hills, Fugue, Barrelhouse and American Literary Review. He is an Associate Editor at Potomac Review and a contributor for The Washington Independent Review of Books. Scroll Down to Learn More About His Books.

Cozy mystery, plus adventure, and humor with a middle-aged lady sleuth. Lots of explosions, James Bond type action, and laughter. Don’t expect to sleep until the book is done.
isabella woods, arc review

Death on the Green
Ben is a mere hitchhiker, a parasite in the brain of seven-year-old Binky, and his younger self is not happy to have him there. It is three days before his sister will be attacked. Ben knows he has to save Sara but first he must gain Binky’s trust. Even if he can get Binky to say the right words, to do the right thing, who will believe that a young boy can foretell the future?
Landweber apparently approached this project with a go-big-or-go-home attitude. He aimed high and hit the mark, pulling off a fusion of literary novel and psychological drama.
Tom Young, Washington Independent Review of Books

Death on the Boardwalk
Time stopped at 1:17 p.m. on a beautiful Thursday afternoon in Washington, DC. Duck is the only person moving in a world where all other living beings have been frozen into statues in an endless diorama.
Landweber’s hybrid novel Thursday 1:17 p.m. is a provocative, stop-motion parable for an accelerating world.
Steven Felicelli, Necessary Fiction

About the Author
I was born in Madison, Wisconsin. Nice place to grow up. Damn cold in the winter. In the seventh grade, my social studies teacher told my parents that I was an “enigma.” No one knew what he meant.

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